Network Protein Sequence Analysis (NPSA, NPS@) image
This site is a fork of the original PRABI NPS@ server


July 30, 2024: NPS@ updated (see NEWS).

FASTA sequence homology search against a nucleotide sequence database

[Abstract] [NPS@ help] [Original server]

Database :

Sequence name (optional) :
Paste a nucleotide sequence below : help

FASTA parameters:
ktup :
Compare forward strand only (-3) :
Reverse complement of query (-i) :
Smith-Waterman for final DNA alignment (-A) : (default band-alignment)
Expectation value upper limit (-E, real) :
Number of results to display (-b, int == -d, int) :
Turn on histogram display (-H) :

Last modification time : Wed Apr 24 16:53:57 2024. Current time : Sat Oct 26 08:04:42 2024. User : public@

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