July 30, 2024: NPS@ updated (see NEWS).
[Abstract] [NPS@ help] [Original server]
Paste protein sequences in Pearson/Fasta format below : help All sequence names must be different !
Output width :
MAFFT option : Alignment strategy : Auto E-INS-i / genafpair (suitable for sequences containing large unalignable regions; recommended for <200 sequences) G-INS-i / globalpair (iterative refinement method incorporating global pairwise alignment information; suitable for sequences of similar lengths; recommended for <200 sequences) L-INS-i / localpair (iterative refinement method incorporating local pairwise alignment information; probably most accurate; recommended for <200 sequences) FFT-NS-1 (progressive with rough guide tree; for >2000 sequences) FFT-NS-2 (progressive) NW-NS-2 (progressive without FFT) NW-NS-PartTree-1 (progressive without FFT and with PartTree; for ~10,000 to ~50,000 sequences) FFT-NS-i (iterative refinement) FFT-NS-i2 (iterative refinement with two iteration only) NW-NS-i (iterative refinement with two iteration only and without FFT) Output order : Input Aligned Output tree : Output format: CLUSTAL W