Network Protein Sequence Analysis (NPSA, NPS@) image
This site is a fork of the original PRABI NPS@ server


July 22, 2024: NPS@ updated (see NEWS).

July 25 17h00 (Paris Time) - July 26 12h00 (Paris Time): NPS@ service interruption.


A brief introduction to PREDATOR
PREDATOR is a secondary structure prediction method based on recognition of potentially hydrogen-bonded residues in a single amino acid sequence (original server).

Availability in NPS@
This method is available :

The user can choose between two database files stride.dat and dssp.dat. These files contain propensity tables, secondary structural assignments and thresholds for two secondary structure assignment methods from tertiary structure : STRIDE and DSSP.

NPS@ PREDATOR output example
You can see:


Last modification time : Wed Dec 21 18:01:28 2022. Current time : Sat Jul 27 09:46:39 2024. User : public@

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