Network Protein Sequence Analysis (NPSA, NPS@) image
This site is a fork of the original PRABI NPS@ server


July 30, 2024: NPS@ updated (see NEWS).

The NPS@ Web server

NPS@ stands for Network Protein Sequence Analysis (NPSA altered in NPS@ to refer to its access by the Internet network).

NPS@ is an interactive Web server dedicated to protein sequence analysis available for the biologist community.

NPS@ is the little web "brother" of ANTHEPROT and MPSA software. The guiding philosophy is the same for these two software and for this "webware". We hope they are useful and user-friendly.

NPS@ is one service of the "Pôle Rhône-Alpes de Bio-Informatique" (PRABI).

NPS@'s history

What kind of analysis can you carry out with NPS@ ?

What do you need to use NPS@ ?

What are NPS@'s strong points ?

NPS@'s flow chart.

NPS@'s help index page.

To cite NPS@:
NPS@: Network Protein Sequence Analysis
TIBS 2000 March Vol. 25, No 3 [291]:147-150
Combet C., Blanchet C., Geourjon C. and Deléage G.

We will be glad to receive a reprint of article citing NPS@.
This will be a contribution and an encouragement in developing this server.

NPS@'s limitations:
The CPU time can't exceed 30 minutes for one computation. For longer job, you can contact us.

View number of jobs performed by NPS@.

Last modification time : Mon Feb 5 16:42:42 2024. Current time : Fri Dec 13 19:40:50 2024. User : public@

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